My reviews are my honest opinion on the books I've read. I don't think every book needs to be the most profound work of literature ever created, I just need to be happy that I took time out of my day to read it. I like to be surprised by books that I read, and I hate spoilers, so my reviews are more likely to discuss my reactions than a total synopsis of the story. Likewise, my ratings are based on how I enjoyed reading the book, not a critical analysis of the plot.
I will give all of my reviewed books a rating on a scale from 1 to 10 of how much I enjoyed reading them. Why not 1 to 5? I am very picky about my ratings. On a scale of 1 to 5, anything less than a 5 just looks so...discouraging, but I feel that 5 out of 5 should be reserved for my absolute favorites. Therefore, I will score them out of 10. Here is a rundown of my rating system:
- Horrible. Did not finish.
- Bad. I deserve a medal for finishing this book.
- Poor. I didn't enjoy this book, but I didn't claw my eyes out before I could finish it.
- Below Average. I was not able to get into this book.
- Average. This book had a good premise, but I did not enjoy it.
- Okay. There were a few things that stopped me from fully enjoying this book, but overall it was a good story.
- Good. I enjoyed this book, but there were one or two things that bothered me.
- Great. This was a really good book. It didn't blow me away, but I couldn't find anything I didn't enjoy.
- Perfect. It might not be my absolute favorite but it was amazing.
- One of my favorites. I loved everything about this book and it really stuck with me after I was finished. I will probably read this book 50 times before I tire of it.
I post all my reviews to goodreads, as well as my ratings for books I have read, but not reviewed. You can access my goodreads page here.