May 18, 2014

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead by Kim Harrison (The Hollows #2)

The Good, the Bad, and the Undead by Kim Harrison
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Bottom Line: Another very slow start, but boy did it get exciting once the ball got rolling!

Rating: 7

The Hollows
1.  Dead Witch Walking
2.  The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
3.  Every Witch Way but Dead
4.  A Fistful of Charms
5.  For a Few Demons More
6.  Outlaw Demon Wails
7.  White Witch, Black Curse
8.  Black Magic Sanction
9.  Pale Demon
10.  A Perfect Blood
11.  Ever After
12.  The Undead Pool
13.  The Witch With No Name (September 9, 2014)

Synopsis (Amazon):

It's a tough life for witch Rachel Morgan, sexy, independent bounty hunter, prowling the darkest shadows of downtown Cincinnati for criminal creatures of the night.

She can handle the leather-clad vamps and even tangle with a cunning demon or two. But a serial killer who feeds on the experts in the most dangerous kind of black magic is definitely pressing the limits.

Confronting an ancient, implacable evil is more than just child's play -- and this time, Rachel will be lucky to escape with her very soul.

My Thoughts:

Just when I thought I was out, Harrison pulls me back in!  I don't know what it is with this series and the slow starts.  I read this book because I wanted to give the series a second chance after my not-so-enjoyable time with Dead Witch Walking.  I was about to just give up after struggling through the beginning of this one.  I swear it took me three weeks to get up the willpower to finish the first 40% of this book.  Then today I sat down, and I just hit some magic point where the story sucked me in, and I couldn't put the book down until it was through.  So I'm telling you, if you can just get through the first 40-ish percent, it's worth it.

In The Good, the Bad, and the Undead,  Rachel Morgan is working as an independent runner with her vampire roommate Ivy, and her pixy associate Jenks, with some help from her human boyfriend, Nick.  After a string of witch murders, the FIB calls in Rachel's help as a link between the inderlanders and humans.  When Rachel begins to suspect that Trent Kalamack is involved in the murders, she happily takes up the case.  Hijinks ensue...

Alright, my opinion on Rachel has not changed...she still bugs the crap out of me.  It's like any time someone suggests that she thinks rationally, she throws a fit.  Come on woman, use your head!  One thing I did enjoy with this book though, was that we get to see a bit more of Rachel's power.  In the first book I found her quite unremarkable, but now we see that she does have a bit of skill.  And I am hoping that we will continue to learn about her family history, since we start to get hints about Rachel's father.  I loved the addition of Glenn, the FIB agent Rachel works with.  I picture Glenn as a hulking, unflappable secret service agent, and picturing Rachel in her leather and mini skirts walking around with him just makes me giggle.

Some important reasons to keep reading this book:  First, we learn what Trent is!  Hallelujah.  I won't ruin it for you, but if you are as impatient as me, that's big news.  Second, Kisten... I want more Kisten. Third, Al the Demon (great name) is fantastic.  He's hilarious and delightfully naughty, and I'm glad he played a large part in this book after his appearance in Dead Witch Walking.  I really applaud Harrison's ability to make the antagonists so appealing.  I think it's what really made this book enjoyable for me.

Nick...I'm not sure about him.  At first, I was excited that this book was a little naughtier than the first one.  But Nick is quite preoccupied with demons, and I'm just not sure how I feel about him anymore.  There were times when Nick and Rachel's relationship was incredibly sweet, then others where he seemed like he was up to something.  I'm thinking we could do with a little swap for Kist.  Or Trent.  Yum.  I will certainly be picking up the third book soon, and I will pray that it gets a quicker start than the first two because the endings are just so fantastic.    

Find it on: Amazon | Goodreads | Kim Harrison 

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